Call Us: +1.907973-2042
The goal of SeaChange is to support one another in a quest to discover and know Christ and respectfully invite others to discover and know Him, as well. Accordingly, our mission statement is “Following and inviting other to follow Christ.”
We are looking for mission teams to help us invite others to follow through leading a VBS in our community, doing a mission trip to a big city while having all the wonders of Alaska at your door, or some unthought of way to show Christ to Anchorage.
SeaChange Christ Community
SeaChange Christ Community is a place where people in the local and greater community of Anchorage, Alaska can gather to share a meal together and enjoy Christian Fellowship in an informal, comfortable setting.
As one of ECO's first Church Plants, we have grown through our model of offering people a place to gather and explore God's Word into a Church. Our evening meetings begin with a complementary meal that flow into a worship time or Bible reading and Reflection study.
9350 Independence Drive
Anchorage, AK 99507